Court Reference Letter
Randy Chavez
Honorable Judge
123 court lane
Oakland Ca, 94000
Case Re:
To the Honorable Judge ______________________________
My name is Randy Chavez and I'm Proud to offer my recommendation of Andrew Quintero to whom I have personally known 10 years as my friend. .
During my relationship with I have experienced a positive individual who is uplifting and supportive to his friends. I've only known a thoughtful, honest and trustworthy person, generous and helpful to others. I've been impressed most by my observation of as a natural leader that is a prolific and respected motivational speaker among his peers, mentoring many individuals and inspiring them toward achieving their goals and carry themselves in a polite and respectable manner.
Despite his hardship and grief of being raised in abject conditions where abuse and violence was common and would result in the death of his mother at his early age, began to reconcile what he could and struggle to survive. But you wouldn't know that because it is not how he presents himself. I have not seen a victim but rather an individual that has a big heart and that would help his fellow man, which I have seen him use his skills as a mechanic to assist many stranded motorist and ask nothing in return.
I can tell you in the years I've known him he is the only person I would leave alone in my home, because I know it is not in his character to do something untoward or behave in such a manner to cause a problem. What I can say is that he has been efficient at healing his wounds and growing into a person that understands his responsibility has remorse and despite his past is not indignant but a person that is strong and is willing to change and become a better man.
surely he was impacted by tragedy in his adolescence and as an adult.
He visits his mothers grave often, spending much time to clean it up and place flowers that he may be in thought with her. That is the that I know, a caring individual who takes responsibility and is a benefit to the community. It is for all of the above, that I know is capable of moving past this as he has constructively done his whole life and I will make sure that he will have my support with money in his pocket, warm clothes, home cooked meals, a safe place to rest and counseling will await him upon his release.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should require any further information.
Randy Chavez December 1, 2020